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“If anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart.” — Buddha

Meditation, I remember being told multitasking helps get things done more efficiently. Don’t believe them. Focus is a form of meditation, do yourself a favor and focus on one thing at a time, you’ll be amazed at how much more work you get done.

Mindfulness. Being mindful of how you spend your time, is your most valuable asset, especially in a world where EVERYONE wants your attention. Why? because your attention is valuable and makes them money. Look at people’s motivation on gaining your attention. Is it because they want to help and inform you of something that will benefit you? I listen but you have to get through all the other noise to find the nuggets of gold. For example, if you go to a website for information but all you see are ads and spam on the page then you might want to think twice before giving them your time because it seems they don’t want to educate you, they want your attention so they can make money from the ads they are running on their page.

If you want to increase your abilities in a specific area you have to practice. Over the past year, I’ve created something every day, I’ve explored new digital tools, and I’ve started meditating, and practicing intermediate fasting. Be mindful of the way you use your time because you can never get it back.

Yesterday, I decided to spend my time writing at least one blog post a day. It may not always be a long post but it will be a “post” to give you an update on what’s on my mind and show you what I’ve been working on. I will be on Twitter but I’m investing in building “my” home in the metaverse on – thanks for reading and let’s all rise together.