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Batch Resize Images in Photoshop: A Step-by-Step Guide

Batch resizing images in Photoshop is a time-saving trick that every digital artist, photographer, and design enthusiast should know. Whether you have a batch of photos from your latest photoshoot or a collection of digital art pieces, resizing them all at once can save you a lot of time. Here’s how to do it:

Creating a Resize Action

Before running a batch, you’ll need to create an action for resizing. Here’s how:

  1. Open Photoshop and Load a Sample Image: Open Photoshop and load any image that you can use as a sample for your action.
  2. Navigate to the Actions Panel: Go to Window > Actions to display the Actions panel.
  3. Create a New Action: Click on the New Action icon at the bottom of the Actions panel. Name your action something descriptive, like “Batch Resize.”
  4. Start Recording: Once you’ve named your action, hit the Record button. Photoshop will now record the steps you take.
  5. Resize Your Image: Navigate to Image > Image Size in the top menu. Input your desired dimensions, making sure to keep the “Constrain Proportions” box checked to maintain the aspect ratio of the image.
  6. (Optional) Save the Image: If you want your action to also save the resized image automatically, go to File > Save As and pick your preferred format.
  7. Stop Recording: After you’ve done all the steps, go back to the Actions panel and click the Stop button to finish recording your action.

Running a Batch Job

Now that your action is set up, you can use it to resize a batch of images.

  1. Open Batch Menu: Navigate to File > Automate > Batch in Photoshop.
  2. Set the Source Folder: Select the folder that contains the images you wish to resize.
  3. Choose the Action: In the “Action” dropdown, select the resizing action you created earlier.
  4. Set the Destination Folder: Choose where you want the resized images to be saved.
  5. File Naming: Customize how you want the new files to be named, if desired.
  6. Execute the Batch: Once all settings are in place, click “OK.” Photoshop will automatically resize all the images in your source folder according to the action you created.

And there you have itβ€”a quick and easy way to batch resize images in Photoshop. This guide serves as a great reminder for future projects and a helpful resource for anyone looking to save time in their digital workflow.